Jenis Usaha Rumahan Sampingan Untuk Karyawan
Written By
Jatilengger TV
21 January 2018
Usaha Rumahan
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Hello, how are you? Introducing us Jatilengger TV. The author, who is still a newbie, was born on January 16, 1989 in Blitar and is still living in the city of Mendoan.
About starting this blog, it started with a passion for writing fiction, which eventually had to be written down in a scribble or note to immortalize it. Which is then able to pour ideas on this blog.
All of that, of course, really hope to be useful for readers everywhere.
I currently work as an entrepreneur in Blitar, East Java. On the sidelines of busyness, I try to write and share through blogs.
For cooperation, of course, I really accept forms of cooperation such as: Advertisement, Product Review, Event Collaboration, and others.
That's a short profile about myself, I hope you like to visit my blog. Thank you. :)
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
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